Full Circle Healing, led by Jessica Pollard, is a coaching and hypnotherapy business based in Nottingham. Jessica specialises in assisting high achievers to overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome, empowering them to achieve their goals and create the life they desire. She offers personalised 1:1 coaching sessions and conducts workshops both online and in person. With a mission to support individuals in reaching their full potential, Jessica has been dedicated to her practice for the past two years.

Supported by NBV’s Business Adviser, David Hallam, Jessica applied for a grant funded through UK Shared Prosperity Fund following a challenging period marked by a noticeable decline in client acquisition. The primary objective for seeking the grant was to gain new customers and refine business processes and messaging to attract her ideal clients effectively.

The grant was allocated towards two pivotal investments:

  1. Strategy Session: Jessica engaged a coach for a comprehensive strategy session focused on improving her business messaging. This session was instrumental in planning and forming a strategy focusing on the business’s approach to client engagement and retention.
  2. Marketing Programme: Jessica enrolled in a 1:1 programme with a marketing expert to enhance her email marketing techniques and develop effective funnels. This investment aimed to streamline her marketing processes and improve client outreach.

The grant significantly contributed to tightening Jessica’s business processes and refining her messaging. As a result, Full Circle Healing has experienced a boost in client acquisition and retention. The enhanced clarity and efficiency in operations have made it easier for new clients to discover and engage with her services, facilitating ongoing business growth.

Looking ahead, Jessica plans to expand Full Circle Healing in several key areas:

Business Growth: Jessica aims to support more individuals in overcoming their challenges and achieving their goals. This expansion will likely necessitate hiring additional support to manage the increasing workload and ensure the smooth running of the business.

Digital Products: To broaden her reach and impact, Jessica intends to develop and offer digital download products. These products will complement her existing 1:1 sessions and workshops, allowing her to provide valuable resources to a wider audience.

By continuing to refine her services and expand her offerings, Jessica Pollard envisions Full Circle Healing as a leading resource for high achievers seeking to overcome self-doubt and unlock their true potential.