Business Overview:

Deers Leap Drinks, an artisan flavoured spirits compounder based in the picturesque Lincolnshire Wolds, is in the business of crafting unique and high-quality spirits. For the past 2.5 years, their customer base has grown to appreciate the premium quality and distinctive flavours that set Deers Leap Drinks apart in the competitive spirits market.

Grant Application and Project:

Deers Leap Drinks applied for a grant to address a crucial bottleneck in their operations: the time delays experienced with outsourced printers for label production. The goal was to bring the labelling process in-house, allowing the business to create bespoke bottles on demand.

With the grant, Deers Leap Drinks successfully acquired the A4 UV printer, a significant investment that would have otherwise posed financial challenges for the small business. The UV printer now enables them to print labels directly onto glass bottles, providing greater flexibility in their product offerings. This newfound control allows them to plan and launch seasonal products precisely when intended, maintain label consistency, and swiftly comply with any legal changes in the industry.

Future Development Plans:

Looking ahead, Deers Leap Drinks is gearing up for further expansion. They plan to open a physical shop premises in 2024, providing a direct interface with customers and potentially expanding their reach through online shopping platforms like eBay. The UV printer will also play a key role in customizing printed gift packaging for special occasions, enhancing their offerings and customer experience.

In summary, the grant has enabled Deers Leap Drinks to take control of their production processes, paving the way for increased efficiency, adaptability to market changes, and exciting future growth opportunities. The in-house UV printer not only meets their current needs but positions them as a dynamic and responsive player in the competitive spirits market.