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Business Survival Strategies

Business Survival Strategies

Strategy 1: Dealing with Uncertainty None of us know what the future holds for us as individuals or for our business. Research has shown that uncertainty makes us less capable of coping with problems when they happen. It also stops us from taking the steps...

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The Big House Presents: EXPO

The Big House Presents: EXPO

The Big House Presents: EXPO |  Thursday September 10th 2019: St Mary’s Church in the Lace Market, Nottingham  Celebrate the success and potential of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire’s creative and digital business, meet new suppliers and customers and get...

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Is Your Job Putting Your Health At Risk?

Is Your Job Putting Your Health At Risk?

Considering the average person spends over 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime, it’s worrying to hear that only 23% of British people are happy in their jobs. In today’s society, it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of a job and forget to properly...

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